Epic is About… Faith
In the following nine blog posts, we will attempt to articulate “nine elements of a leadership reproduction culture.” For more explanation, see our first post here. Feedback and questions are more...
View ArticleSketch Your Story (Survey/Resource)
“I used to believe in this one Korean superstition that said if you write a person’s name in red three times in a row, they’ll die. Anything that has to do with death, I’ll hold on to… but not...
View ArticleCoJourners Training: Learning to Tell Your Story
Below is the audio of a training time given by Tanya Thomack, Epic staff in the Upper Midwest (Stevens Point, Wisconsin). She goes through Cru’s Cojourners training with Epic students, about how to...
View ArticleEpic Stories
What is Epic Stories? Epic Stories is a tool that uses the premise of a scavenger hunt to help create an opportunity to engage in significant stories and spiritual conversation with people we meet....
View ArticleCross-Cultural Lessons in Listening
This 3-minute video contains some reflections on cross-cultural relationships, and what that requires of both ethnic minorities and majority culture leaders. Epic Leadership Development team members...
View ArticleWhy Epic Exists (Why We Contextualize)
What is contextualized ministry and why do it? Why does an ethnic ministry like Epic Movement exist? This talk by Adrian Pei on the Epic Leadership Development Team was given at the 2013 Epic staff...
View ArticleHow Epic Has Changed Me, A Caucasian Female
Emily Smith, on staff with Epic in Texas, recently co-led a summer missions project to Southeast Asia. At the project briefing, she gave a talk on “crossing cultures.” Although she humbly considers...
View ArticleBeing A “Send” Movement
This post is a part of a series by Epic’s Field Ministry & Global Missions teams, describing what it means to be Epic (a.k.a. to embody the Epic Movement DNA). I remember when I was in college. So...
View ArticleSeeing and Stewarding the Leadership Opportunities All Around You
Nobody is more responsible for your leadership development and growth than you. This article by Adrian Pei of Epic’s Leadership Development team is about the countless opportunities God has provided...
View ArticleEpic’s Values, Desires, & Expectations in Evangelism
How does Epic Movement view evangelism? This article by members of Epic’s Field Ministry & Leadership Development team members describes some of our values, desires, & expectations in...
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